How to store persimmon

How to store persimmon

Persimmon - a source of not only beneficial vitamins and minerals, but also a good mood on gloomy autumn days. The bright suns of its fruits delight the view against the backdrop of a dull, colorless landscape.

This tropical fruit appears on our shelves in November-December, and so you want to enjoy its wonderful taste longer! Meanwhile, to keep this “food of the gods” (this is how the Latin name of the fruit is translated) for a long time is not difficult. You just need to know a few basic principles.

Choosing the right fruit

In our northern regions, persimmon, as a rule, is brought not fully ripe, but its benefits and taste, including unpleasant viscosity, directly depend on the ripeness of the fruit. Therefore, the main task - to try to choose the very best copies.

  • It is necessary to start a purchase by inspecting the fruit. The most ripe persimmons have a thin shiny skin and an absolutely dry stem that speaks of their ripening, not in a box, but in a native tree. Perhaps the presence on the surface of the fruit thin brown stripes, which indicate its absolute maturity. But the cracks and black spots should not be.
  • The next selection criterion is softness of the fetus. The stronger its surface will be when compressed, the fruit is more ripe.
  • Pay attention to the fruit configuration. Rounded fruits are much tastier than their conical, flattened or cylindrical counterparts.
  • The color of persimmon, depending on the variety, can vary from almost carrot to dark brown, the main thing is its saturation. Immature fruits are usually light orange.

Storage methods for persimmon

Choosing the right fruit when buying is just the beginning. The main problem is to preserve this flavor as long as possible. Persimmon can be stored in three forms: fresh, frozen and dried (or dried).

  • Fresh fruits are beautifully stored at about 0 ° C for about 2-3 months, depending on the humidity of the air, which ideally should be 90%. It is very important when storing fresh persimmon good ventilation and careful handling. For storage, select intact dense specimens without stains and cracks.

    If storage is made in boxes in the cellar or basement, then the layers of fruit must be shifted with sawdust or paper. Beneficial effect on the safety of the fruits of their neighborhood with apples or tomatoes.

  • The easiest and most common way to preserve persimmon for a long time is to freeze it, preferably at a temperature of -18 ° C. In this form, the fruit can be stored for up to three months without compromising its taste.

    Thaw the fruit preferably at room temperature or at least in warm, but not hot, water. It is convenient to freeze the persimmon, which is already ready for use, i.e., freed from the peel and bones, divided into large lobules or smaller pieces.

  • In its dried form, persimmon turns into an exquisite delicacy, which is used instead of sweets. It is not recommended to cook compotes from it, because when cooking dried fruit it emits tannins and tannin - and your treat becomes tart to taste.

    Cooking dried sweetness is possible only from dense ripe fruits in several ways. The most affordable is drying peeled and cut fruit into small slices in the oven at 45 ° C, and they should not be allowed to darken. It is possible to dry these fruits whole in the shade in the open air or in a well-ventilated dark room, after having incised the rind of the fruit and strung it on a cord at the stem. The process is completed in a month and a half, after which it is possible to store dried fruits in a dry and cool place for 1-2 years, depending on the degree of dehydration of the fruit.

A few more helpful tips

If you bought the immature and astringent fruit, do not worry! To give the persimmon a pleasant sweet taste, all it takes is to make a few simple manipulations with it, which will relieve the berries of tartness and help them to ripen completely.

  • The easiest method to start the ripening process is to mix the persimmon with any sour fruits like lemons, cherry plums or apples. After lying down next to these fruits, the fruits will be ready to eat in three days.
  • Another elementary way to relieve persimmon from astringent taste is to freeze it in any form: in whole or in pieces.
  • Persimmon grows well in close proximity (preferably in one package) with fruits that produce ethylene, for example, bananas.
  • If you hold the fruits for 24 hours in a container with warm (about 40 ° C) water, then in 24 hours you will get ripe sweet berries.

Choose any of the proposed methods of ripening and storing persimmon, and you will be provided with vitamins and other beneficial substances for the whole year until the next harvest.

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