How to store herbs

How to store herbs

Various herbs, both fresh and dried, add a unique taste and aroma to any dish. In this article you will find tips on how to collect and store herbs.


The best time to collect herbs is in the morning in warm and dry weather. Wait for the dew to evaporate. Cut the very top - about 15 cm of the stem under the flower.


If the leaves are clean, do not wash them - natural oils are washed off during washing. If the leaves are dusty, rinse them gently under cold water. Shake off the remaining water, tie the plants in small bunches, hang in the sun until the water evaporates.

Hang the bundles (florets down) in a warm, dry place with good air ventilation, but away from bright light. To prevent dust from settling on the grasses, cover them with a paper bag in which you first make holes for free air circulation.

If you are not going to hang the plants, remove the stems, spread the leaves on the baking trays, place them in the oven, after covering them with a clean cloth or even a towel.


The leaves can be crumbled before storage, but their natural oils are better preserved if they are kept whole and crushed before use. It is better to keep herbs in a cool place, not under direct bright rays in dark, closed jars.


Before freezing the grass is best to blanch. Holding the stems, dip them in boiling water, roll them and remove. Dry on a towel, separate the stems. Chop or leave the leaves whole as needed. Spread dried herbs in one layer on wax paper and roll or fold the paper so that each layer of herbs is separated by a layer of paper. Pack paper with plants in special freezer bags or in regular plastic bags. For cooking, break off a piece to the size that you need and use it frozen. If necessary, greens can be thawed in the refrigerator. In this state, herbs can be stored for about a week.

You can freeze portions, for example in ice cubes. Remove the stems, chop and place in ice tins. Fill with boiling water (for blanching) and freeze. After freezing, remove the cubes from the molds and store them in a bag in the freezer.

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